Sunday, June 14, 2009

Member Show Info

We're really getting excited about our upcoming show! I hope you've marked your calendars for Thursday, July 2nd from 6-8pm at the Pole Creek Clubhouse. Even if you're not in the show, we'd love to see you there.

If you're in the show and haven't sent Marie an image, please do so asap. Her email is She's making a brochure with a picture of everyone's work and contact information which will be handed out at the show and a stack will be left at the pro-shop while the show is up.

Along with the brochure, Marie Johannes has worked very hard to create an amazing poster for the show and a great postcard. Suzie Royce has been a big help with creating them, too. Their work is much appreciated! Jill Childress at Century 21 in Winter Park helped with the printing of the posters and Century 21 helped sponsor us by printing them for free - a very generous donation.

As a reminder, the dates to drop off your work are Monday, June 22nd and Tuesday, June 23rd from 9-5 at the Fraser Valley Recreation office. They're located at 216 Eisenhower Drive in Fraser. (Two buildings west of the Conoco).

We're looking for a couple of people to help us hang the show on Wednesday, July 1st at 3pm - please let me know if you're available.

You'll need to pick up any unsold work from the Clubhouse on Thursday, July 23rd at 3pm - if you can't make it then, please let us know so we can make alternate arrangements.

Your registration fee was enough to pay for the postcards, brochures, and appetizers for the show - there will be a cash bar.

If you'd like a pdf file of the postcard invitation to send to your patrons, friends and family please email me at and I'll send it to you. Sorry, I can't send an attachment through this email - too many get rejected and sent back.

There was one glitch with the postcard - the wrong file was used for printing and a few names are misspelled - our sincere apologies! The names are correct on the posters.

With over 20 artists showing 2 pieces, this promises to be a great show!


1 comment:

  1. What a great evening--all involved should be smiling ear to ear...thanks for making this event happen and adding to the amazing art scene in Grand County.
