Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Painting Classes-Spring and Summer
Donna Lyons is teaching classes in watercolor again this spring and summer in Grand County. She has planned some fun and interesting sessions for beginners as well as for those with some experience. Call Donna at 627-8523 for more information and to sign up.
Monday, April 5 Get-Together
It was brought to our attention that many folks are unable to get to the monthly Thursday evening get-togethers because of Thursday evening conflicts. So, instead, we are now meeting on the 5th of each month. Hopefully, this will be easy to remember. (Of course, with the date change, the day of the get-together will also change, but if you just remember "AOTA -5", it should be easy.
This coming Monday, April 5, we will be gathering at Grand Lake Elementary School Art Room for a presentation by Corinne Lively, who will walk us through a step-by-step procedure for downloading your images onto your computer and manipulating the dpi to match the requirements of the show or gallery you are hoping to enter. Corinne will demonstrate using her computer with a power point presentaion, so everyone can follow along. Bring some of your images and she can help you. It is spring break for the school district, but we have been granted permission to use the room. Same time as always: 5:30-7:30 PM. Hope to see you there. Many thanks to Corinne who is donating her time for us!
This coming Monday, April 5, we will be gathering at Grand Lake Elementary School Art Room for a presentation by Corinne Lively, who will walk us through a step-by-step procedure for downloading your images onto your computer and manipulating the dpi to match the requirements of the show or gallery you are hoping to enter. Corinne will demonstrate using her computer with a power point presentaion, so everyone can follow along. Bring some of your images and she can help you. It is spring break for the school district, but we have been granted permission to use the room. Same time as always: 5:30-7:30 PM. Hope to see you there. Many thanks to Corinne who is donating her time for us!
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Brock McCormick's Show
Local artist, Brock McCormick has a beautiful show at the Fraser Valley Library, 421 Norgren Road, Fraser. He's having a reception this Saturday, the 27th from 1-3pm.

From his artist statement, "As an ecologist, I view landscapes as processes, driven by natural forces. As an artist, they are shapes, forms and textures. As a person, I view landscapes as experiences. All of these perspectives are incorporated into my works, which explore my relationship with landscape.
My artwork relies on nature as a true collaborator. Found objects are innately embedded with meaning. For example, metal is a symbol of industry, while rust demonstrates the resilience of nature, the passage of time, and the beauty of change. Rusted metal is a point where man and nature meet. My ink works are inspired by Zen brushwork and calligraphy. Negative space plays an important role in these works as forms are simplified, distilled and expressed as only a few practiced brushstrokes."
It's a great show - I hope you can make it this Saturday. You can see more of his work here.
My artwork relies on nature as a true collaborator. Found objects are innately embedded with meaning. For example, metal is a symbol of industry, while rust demonstrates the resilience of nature, the passage of time, and the beauty of change. Rusted metal is a point where man and nature meet. My ink works are inspired by Zen brushwork and calligraphy. Negative space plays an important role in these works as forms are simplified, distilled and expressed as only a few practiced brushstrokes."
It's a great show - I hope you can make it this Saturday. You can see more of his work here.
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Scott L. Christensen
Lectures at the Denver Art Museum
"One O'clock Light" oil on canvas 30 x 40
You are cordially invited to see master painter Scott L. Christensen
discuss representational art and his creative process.
Friday, March 19 2:00 - 3:30 PM
Denver Art Museum -- North Building
Lower Level Lecture Room 100 W
14th Ave Pkwy Denver, CO 80204
Please RSVP with Charlie Bogusz, Workshop Director at 970.227.4878 or email Charlie@christensenstudio.com. Seating is limited. Thank you.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Nancy Goes' Amazing Bead Work
Nancy Goes is still enjoying her winter in Florida - she sent the following:
When I'm on Sanibel I get totally immersed in the beach/sea life culture, especially shelling, shell-crafting and mermaids. For the past 6 years I have entered the world renown Sanibel Shell Show. In its 73rd year it is the longest running show of its kind anywhere. There are 2 divisions, scientific (shell collections) and artistic (shell creations).
I won blue ribbons in the 2 categories I entered - jewelry (must contain shells)
and needle work (must have a sealife theme but not necessarily contain shells).
Both pieces were subsequently sold. If you would like to see a few more pictures from the show one of the jurors has a great blog http://iloveshelling.com/blog/
Nice work, Nancy! Thanks for sending the info and pictures.
Anyone else have some new work or awards to share? Send images to me at palander@rkymtnhi.com and I'd be happy to post them on the blog.
When I'm on Sanibel I get totally immersed in the beach/sea life culture, especially shelling, shell-crafting and mermaids. For the past 6 years I have entered the world renown Sanibel Shell Show. In its 73rd year it is the longest running show of its kind anywhere. There are 2 divisions, scientific (shell collections) and artistic (shell creations).
I won blue ribbons in the 2 categories I entered - jewelry (must contain shells)
and needle work (must have a sealife theme but not necessarily contain shells).
Both pieces were subsequently sold. If you would like to see a few more pictures from the show one of the jurors has a great blog http://iloveshelling.com/blog/
Nice work, Nancy! Thanks for sending the info and pictures.
Anyone else have some new work or awards to share? Send images to me at palander@rkymtnhi.com and I'd be happy to post them on the blog.
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