Saturday, May 1, 2010
We have a new website...
Sunday, April 18, 2010
SAMPLE SET of oil paints
I just received a 'sample set' of oils from Jack Richeson & Co. They are high quality, made in Kimberly, WI and have a nice range of colors. The six 37ml tubes were $29.90 which included shipping. About $5 a piece and an excellent value for the quality. The set included yellow ochre, rose madder (like alizarine but less staining or dominant ['plays well with others']), prussian blue (like ultramarine with some phthalo blue in it so more 'true' blue and very vibrant), sap green (no mix green!), burnt umber (good ol' brown) and titanium white. Their advertising says "colors may vary". You can call your order in and use your credit card.
WEB1019 (offer code)
Jack Richeson & Co.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Painting Classes-Spring and Summer
Monday, April 5 Get-Together
This coming Monday, April 5, we will be gathering at Grand Lake Elementary School Art Room for a presentation by Corinne Lively, who will walk us through a step-by-step procedure for downloading your images onto your computer and manipulating the dpi to match the requirements of the show or gallery you are hoping to enter. Corinne will demonstrate using her computer with a power point presentaion, so everyone can follow along. Bring some of your images and she can help you. It is spring break for the school district, but we have been granted permission to use the room. Same time as always: 5:30-7:30 PM. Hope to see you there. Many thanks to Corinne who is donating her time for us!
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Brock McCormick's Show

My artwork relies on nature as a true collaborator. Found objects are innately embedded with meaning. For example, metal is a symbol of industry, while rust demonstrates the resilience of nature, the passage of time, and the beauty of change. Rusted metal is a point where man and nature meet. My ink works are inspired by Zen brushwork and calligraphy. Negative space plays an important role in these works as forms are simplified, distilled and expressed as only a few practiced brushstrokes."
It's a great show - I hope you can make it this Saturday. You can see more of his work here.
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Nancy Goes' Amazing Bead Work
When I'm on Sanibel I get totally immersed in the beach/sea life culture, especially shelling, shell-crafting and mermaids. For the past 6 years I have entered the world renown Sanibel Shell Show. In its 73rd year it is the longest running show of its kind anywhere. There are 2 divisions, scientific (shell collections) and artistic (shell creations).
I won blue ribbons in the 2 categories I entered - jewelry (must contain shells)
and needle work (must have a sealife theme but not necessarily contain shells).
Both pieces were subsequently sold. If you would like to see a few more pictures from the show one of the jurors has a great blog
Nice work, Nancy! Thanks for sending the info and pictures.
Anyone else have some new work or awards to share? Send images to me at and I'd be happy to post them on the blog.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
John Fielder Book Signing and Workshop

For more information and to register here.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Petition to save the Fraser River

Hi all,
I realize this isn't art related, however, it does affect everyone in the county. At the end of this email is a link for a petition to keep the Colorado and Fraser Rivers alive.
If you care about the health of our rivers and our future tourist economy, please sign this petition and forward it to anyone you think would be interested.
Patty Alander
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Neat Pics!
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Next AOTA Meeting
friday, FEBRUARY 19th
Where? Grand Park Community Recreation Center in Winter Park
When? 1pm--3pm (no night driving!)
What? "A Vision of Our Future Arts Program &
Teaching Opportunites" at the FVMRD
presented by
Michelle Lawrence, Program Director
and AOTA Looking Forward -- presentation of some
recent discussions and an open forum for
additional thoughts, suggestions, input, etc.
Please come and help make AOTA the arts organization you want.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Monday, February 1, 2010
Snowflake Photography at Circle H...

Friday, January 29, 2010
Lakewood Gallery is looking for Artists
I received the following email - please contact the gallery if you're interested.
Attention Artists!
We own an artisan’s boutique in Belmar (Wadsworth and Alameda) and are looking for fresh, eager, quality artists to partner with on a consignment basis. We are expanding and doubling our square feet due to such a successful response to our store. We currently carry clothing, shoes, handcrafted jewelry, accessories and a wide variety of artwork. We will be moving next door to our current space the first week of February and are hoping to meet with artists who are interested in gaining additional exposure so when we host our grand re-opening party your work will be represented. Our split is 60/40 (60 to the artist 40 to Wild At Heart) and checks are cut every month that you have sales. Go to our MySpace page at: to see some photos and check us out. Our store is colorful, eclectic, fun and inspirational! We love pets and the outdoors and want our customers to feel at home! We value and are proud of our outstanding customer service! To be considered for consignment please submit photos of your work to Based on the photos, if we feel your work would fit in the store we’ll give you a call and go from there. Quality artwork only please! We are not a craft store. However, we don’t want expensive pieces at this time. We simply don’t feel customers are affording themselves high end art-work in this economic climate. Prices up to the $500 mark would work well. We are specifically looking for furniture, lighting, clocks, ceramics, mixed media, 2 or 3 dimensional, jewelry, mirrors and perhaps a clothing designer or two. Certainly, feel free to stop in and take a look around in your spare time! We look forward to hearing from you soon!
Kim Finnigan
Wild At Heart, An Artisan's Boutique
7170 W. Alaska Drive
Lakewood, CO 80226

Thursday, January 21, 2010
Call For Entries....
Dear CaFE™ Artist,
New opportunities are listed on CaFE™, and many application deadlines are approaching. See what new opportunities you can apply to below. You can login to CaFE here or go to to apply to one of these opportunities. You may view these or more opportunities anytime by going to CaFE Listings.
Check them out - they have all sorts of new listings for shows and other opportunities for artists.
Think Snow!
Monday, January 11, 2010
Congrats to Julia Grundmeier!
Sunday, January 3, 2010
For those of you doing shows...
2010 Colorado Artist Tour Is Ready
Subscribe online or through the mail
Happy New Year to all of you.
The Colorado Aritst Tour online services are now available. I want to thank all of you who have already subscribed and invite all of you who haven’t yet to do so (it’s still only $10). There are 2 ways to subscribe:
Online – Enter your info and email address, use a credit card and you will be signed in immediately. (Please email me if you have any problems signing up online.) CLICK HERE to go to the online subscription page.
Mail – Print out the subscription form from the website and mail it in with your check. I will email you the sign in info when I receive your subscription. CLICK HERE to go to the Subscription Form.
The new website is being updated daily but most of the shows are now listed. The events calendar has over 40 shows listed and more are coming. As you use the website, if you have any suggestions I would love to hear them. I may not be able to do all of them but I have already added a few from subscribers.
Thanks for all of your support over the years,
Jim DeLutes
CAT Director
PS – If you know any artists that should have this info, just click on the forward link at the bottom of this page. Thanks.