At the end of last year, Greeley artist Annie Surbeck donated a beautiful, framed original watercolor to be awarded to the winner of a drawing at the Grand Lake Art Gallery. In order to be entered into the drawing, you had to donate two items to the Mountain Family Center Food Bank. This was a very successful event for the food bank - it generated 12 large boxes full of donated food.
I thought this was such a great idea then and now I think it would be wonderful if AOTA members continued this throughout the year. I'll start by donating one of my carved vases.

Since I'm starting mid-month, I'll go through the end of March. Donna Lyons volunteered for April. If you're interested in being the May artist, please let me know or call Liza at the gallery 627-3104.
If you'd like to donate some food and get into the drawing, bring at least two (more would be better!) non-perishable food items to the Grand Lake Art Gallery at 1117 Grand Avenue in Grand Lake. Any donations are appreciated, however, they are in dire need of the following:
- Mac & cheese
- Soups
- Tuna or hamburger helper
- Rice
- Spaghetti
- Ramen noodles
- Peanut butter
For more information call the gallery at 627-3104.
Patty-- Much Thanks for the great blog and as always your support of the Arts....Liza