Monday, December 28, 2009
Kudos to Susan Reed!
I think the white peonies really make the piece - it's beautiful. The show is from January 15th to March 28th. If you're in the area, check it out.
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Only a few days left...
I'm not sure what's up with my camera - all the pics I took had an orangish cast...the wall is off white.
Here's one of my favorites:
Sunday, December 20, 2009
For you jewelers...
A nice string of green resin leaves, along with a couple of handmade glass beads and a few pretties.
Mixed delights for Your delight. Included are TWO sets of niobium ear wires, a brass pod set suitable for holding a photo under resin, a vintage brass beadcap, a lobster clasp with ring, and four sterling silver rings, both jump and soldered.
Two fierce, fabulous rings, handmade in pure fine silver. One layered Knobby Stacker, with five slender MC rings kiln-fused together, and four fused fine silver rings fused together, and evenly forged.
The Knobby Stacker is a size 7ish (oval rings have a little size play) and the Fused Stacker is an 8ish. If you want to wear them together, be a size 7ish and wear the 8 in the back. It will move silkily on your finger and the size 7ish will keep it in place. I have worn these rings this morning, together on my middle finger, and they are excellent.
I might keep them warm for you all day.
Things are going fast, so check it out soon!
Friday, December 11, 2009
Kseniya Simonova
I love how she quickly depicts emotion with sand.
According to Wickipedia she was born in 1985 as Ксения Симонова and is a sand animator from Ukraine. She started drawing with sand after her business collapsed due to the early 21st century credit crunch and had been drawing for less than a year when she entered "Ukraine's Got Talent". She became the 2009 Winner of "Ukraine's Got Talent", constructing an animation that portrayed life during USSR's Great Patriotic War against the Third Reich in World War II. She won first place and received the equivalent of $125,000 US dollars.
This is the verbiage that came with the original email: "This video shows the winner of "Ukraine's Got Talent", Kseniya Simonova, 24, drawing a series of pictures on an illuminated sand table showing how ordinary people were affected by the German invasion during World War II. Her talent, which admittedly is a strange one, is mesmeric to watch.
The images, projected onto a large screen, moved many in the audience to tears and she won the top prize of about £75,000.
She begins by creating a scene showing a couple sitting holding hands on a bench under a starry sky, but then warplanes appear and the happy scene is obliterated.
It is replaced by a woman's face crying, but then a baby arrives and the woman smiles again. Once again war returns and Miss Simonova throws the sand into chaos from which a young woman's face appears.
She quickly becomes an old widow, her face wrinkled and sad, before the image turns into a monument to an Unknown Soldier.
This outdoor scene becomes framed by a window as if the viewer is looking out on the monument from within a house.
In the final scene, a mother and child appear inside and a man standing outside, with his hands pressed against the glass, saying goodbye.
The Great Patriotic War, as it is called in Ukraine , resulted in one in four of the population being killed with eight to 11 million deaths out of a population of 42 million.
Kseniya Simonova says:
"I find it difficult enough to create art using paper and pencils or paintbrushes, but using sand and fingers is beyond me.. The art, especially when the war is used as the subject matter, even brings some audience members to tears.. And there's surely no bigger compliment.""
Monday, December 7, 2009
by Keith Bond, Regular contributing writer for FineArtViews.
We artists tend to be solitary - whether by choice or necessity. Creativity comes from within and we tend to work alone. Yet, we have a need to connect with and associate with others. Because we are so isolated in our work, it is easy to become ensnared by the web of virtual relationships. This does fill a need we have. I don't argue the benefits of online associations, but there are also other ways to fill this need.
One such way is to join a group of artists - whether formal or informal. Become a member. There are many artist organizations out there.
Types of Organizations
You must be invited to join this type of group. The standards are usually (not always) high. This is intended to preserve the integrity of the parameters set by the group.
Some organizations are open to the jury process. The intent is likewise to maintain a certain level established by the group. Because the jury is usually open to anyone, there is a better chance of getting your work considered.
Loosely Organized Friends
This is an informal association with like-minded friends. As an organization, there usually isn't an agenda. Some will just paint together on occasion. Others will just get together for lunch. Some discuss art theory. Others visit museums together. Most do a combination of these and other things.
Critique Groups
Usually on a local level, these are typically easy to get involved with. You bring a work of art to be critiqued by the group.
Marketing or Business Groups
Also usually on a local level and easy to become involved with, these groups are designed to help each other with the business side of things. Some are specific to the arts, some are open to a broader range of businesses.
The list could go on.
Why should you join?
It is great to gain friendships and associate with like-minded individuals. Other artists understand you in ways that most other people cannot - including your spouse. You share encouragement among each other. These friendships can go far beyond the world of art.
You never know where connections may lead. I have gained opportunities because of someone I know. You may also be introduced to someone else through a common friend who will invite you to participate in an event. The more you network, the more likely opportunities will come down the road.
Some organizations have exhibition opportunities. Some are juried, some invitational, some are open to all members of the group. It is a great way to get your work on display and seen by collectors.
For some, membership in a specific group may be important to your resume. I know an artist who entered year after year to a certain annual exhibit, but was always denied. The year he became a member of a prestigious group, he was invited to participate in that exhibit (the exhibit is unaffiliated with the group). The exhibit organizers placed value (for right or wrong) in his membership in the group. It legitimized him in the organization's eyes.
Again, the list could go on.
Is the Group Right for You?
Groups are designed for a certain purpose. You may or may not gain value from membership or participation. Consider what it will do for you.
· Is the group local, regional, or national?
· If national, will you realistically be able to participate as a member?
· Are there membership dues or fees?
· Is the objective of the group consistent with your objectives as an artist?
· Are you ready for the level of commitment?
· Have you outgrown the group?
· Will you truly benefit from the group?
· Will the group limit you?
Once again, the list goes on.
Choose your memberships carefully. Don't just join to have another thing on the resume. Join if it will benefit you, or you can provide value to the group - better still, both. You can't be involved in everything, so choose the very best.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Friday, November 20, 2009
Odds and Ends...

I've been meaning to post congratulations to Mark Abusamra for having his photograph chosen by a blind jury for the cover of the next Names and Numbers phone book.

Today is opening day for Nest.artistic home in Winter Park in Cooper Creek Square. Carolyn is having a soft opening today and a Grand Opening on December 4th. Stop by, she has a lot of interesting artwork. You can also schedule paint your own pottery parties. Call Carolyn at 531-8625 for more information.
Here's an interesting link I came across:
She covers a lot of ground and I haven't read all of it, but I found the ideas about art donations to be of particular interest - both for the artist and the groups looking for donations. I know a lot of us donate our art - I came across a great statement the other day: Every time an artist gives their art for free, there goes another person who thinks art is worthless. Food for thought.
With the holidays upon us, we've decided to do a November/December get-together on Wednesday, December 2nd at 5:30pm at Maverick's in Granby. We'll meet in the regular section of the restaurant this time. If you're something new, please bring it! It was fun sharing what we were working on at the last meeting.
Hope to see you there!
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Support the Grand Lake Elementary Art Department
You can support the Grand Lake Elementary School art department b purchasing one of the children's pieces. Each $5 purchase will go to the art department.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Janet Day is the FV Library artist for November
This is from the library publicity flier: "Janet Day is a textile artist in Fraser who incorporates vintage postcards, travel posters, labels and other images into contemporary textile art, including pillows and decorative wall quilts. Her unique art work uses historic images of Grand County, from Berthoud Pass to Rocky Mountain National Park. Her pieces will be displayed inside the Urban Community Meeting Room throughout the month."
There are still openings...
Thursday, October 15, 2009
With the weather changing and many days telling us to "stay in" instead of "go out", fine art exhibitions in Denver beckon us to drive over the pass before the weather says "Are you nuts"?
For some artistic inspiration, mark your calendar and check these out.
Greenwood Village -- October 3 -- 23 at the Madden Museum of Art
"Simply Divine" -- Windows to the Divine celebrates its sixth anniversary with a must-see show featuring works by an array or renowned artists such as Scott Fraser, Tammy Garcia, Titiana Grant, Albert Handell, Quang Ho and William Hook. Part of the proceeds from the event benefit the Colorado Vocation Foundation 303-679-1365,
Denver -- Charles M Russell -- Opening October 17
The Denver Art Museum (720-865-5000, presents a retrospective exhibition of Russell"s paintings and sculpture.
Denver -- Gallery 1261 -- New paintings by Quang Ho
October 30, 5 to 9pm Meet the Artist
"A masterful painter...moves with ease between the worlds of representational and abstract styles"
Show runs through November 30.
has a blank wall perfect for exhibiting local artist's work! It would only take 10 or 12 pieces depending on their size and they can be for sale. It's in the center of the store with decent lighting. This is a primo county location for the many visitors we get each year and is frequented by many locals as well. I was just there this morning and spoke to Stehpanie (owner) and she reacted very positively to my suggestion. (She was thinking mural!!) It could be a group, singles, duos, etc. Anyone interested?
If so give me a call at 726-4698 or cell, 531-2906. I'd like to have an idea of the interest when I talk to her further.
By the way, they are working on their new deli (1100 sf) which will also bring in alot of people.
This is an amazing store for stained glass products that was operated by a special lady that I only met once.....with one visit, I could tell she was special. She recently passed away unexpectedly and her family is having a Store Liquidation Sale-Store Closing Sale with the intention of getting rid of everything including the fixtures asap.
This should be worth the trip.....maybe some AOTA members want to carpool?
Friday Oct. 16 9a-6p
Saturday Oct. 17 9a-5p
All glass and new supplies on sale 40% first day and 50% the second day. All used supplies, tools, equipment, fixtures, glass racks, tables must be sold.
4240 Kipling St., Unit D
Wheat Ridge, CO 80033
The store faces the greenbelt by the river.
Everything must go. All Sales Final. Cash only.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Kozo Fine Art Materials

Not only do they have a wonderful selection of papers, they also carry watercolors, acrylics, oils and printing inks. And a variety of brushes, too.
The owner, Patricia Branstead, is a master printer, papermaker, book artist and teacher of all sorts of paper-related skills. Click here to see her upcoming workshop schedule.
Kozo is located at 10 E. Ellsworth (Broadway and Ellsworth) in Denver. You can reach them at 866-624-0498 or 303-733-2730. Stop in - you'll be glad you did!
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Betty Dick Property in RMNP
"The great minds of AOTA are needed to let the National Park Service know what Artists would like done with the old Betty Dick Property located on this side of the RMNP approx. 8 miles from the West Side Entrance....Would you like to see workshops, youth programs, Artists in Residence or ????? No permanent structures would be allowed but Tents on platforms would be allowed for housing......please send your ideas to Liza at"
It's nice to see the folks at the park reaching out to us. Please give this some thought - the more ideas, the better!
Thursday, October 1, 2009
American Artist magazine has redone their website and it is a great resource for artists.
Check out There is an easy video 'tour' you can take and all you have to do is sign in to 'join'. There is a list on the right side with various topics where you can find instructional articles on a variety of topics. There is a gallery where you'll find various works to enjoy. There is a forun section where you can ask questions and dialogue with others. There is a blog section where editors from the magazine deliver posts of interest, many on the professional aspects of being an artist.
I think you'll get something out of this. ENJOY! winter is on it's way......
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Annie's Demo
If you ever feel like the presentation of your paintings is getting a bit stale, you should check out Annie's pieces at the gallery. She's always coming up with new and intriguing ways to frame and display her work.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Annie Surbeck's demo this Saturday...
Great Time at the Pot-Luck!
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
A New Gallery in Grand Lake!
Please join us in Celebration of Oktoberfest and the opening of our Gallery
on Friday, 9/18 from 5:00-7:00 p.m.. Evite attached! And please
extend/forward this invitation to others who also might like to join us!
Blessings and Love, Sheryl and Dave
Monday, September 14, 2009
A couple of years ago, I went to Crested Butte for the Wildflower Festival and took a couple of classes with Sherrie York. Sherrie's art focuses on nature. She is basically a person who loves to draw! She does watercolors and linoprints, makes hand made books and sketches nature as much as possible.
I just got Sherrie's Fall email Newsletter. After reading it, I checked out her website and THEN her blog. On her blog she had a list of other blogs that are her favorites. WOW.... the wealth of information there is astounding!
Discover how the internet that can enrich your creative life.
One of the blogs on Sherrie's list that blew me away was "Making a Mark" -- where I found, through yet another link, a concise article on "How to Write and Use an Artist's Statement."
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Sunday, August 30, 2009
An all day ART HAPPENING……
20689 CR 50, Fraser – 4 miles from Hwy 40 on the way to Young Life ... Sunday, Sept 20!
Please come and let’s make it happen!
RSVP: Marie Johannes 726-4698 or Email me for directions…
Quick Draw
I loved this guys palette:

Here are a few more pics of the artwork just before being auctioned off:

Jeff Legg fascinated me. There was a display of fruit and vegetables on a pedestal for painting a still life. He was looking at it as he painted, but nothing he painted was in the still life - it was all from his memory. I think it was the best piece in the show:

Thursday, August 27, 2009
An event for September 12th in Winter Park
Since the plein air show in Winter Park isn't happening this year, Rendezvous has generously extended an invitation to Art Out of Thin Air to paint under their tent on Saturday, September 12th. It's not just painters that are welcome - we can all sell our artwork.
The plans haven't been firmed up yet, but we're thinking maybe starting at 9:30 and going until 4 or 5pm. Rendezvous will supply tables, advertise the event and offer refreshments. If you have friends who paint en plein air, please invite them to join us - the more people painting, the more exciting the event will be! And you can bring other work for sale, too. Please let me know sometime next week if you're interested.
Our September meeting will be a lunch pot-luck at Marie Johanne's place just outside of Fraser on Sunday, the 20th. There will be time for people to paint before lunch; she has a gorgeous aspen forest on her land. We'll have more details later.
It was so nice having our August meeting at a gallery, we've decided to do it again in October. This time it will be at the Grand Lake Art Gallery on Oct. 28th at 5:30pm.
Thanks for everyone's support!
Monday, August 24, 2009
Plein Air Show
Estes Park Plein Air 2009
Painting the Parks
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Stacey Peterson

Stacey is also having a two person show at the Elkhorn Gallery in Winter Park with Cydney Springer. The show opens tomorrow and there's another opening reception on Saturday, the 22nd - the show will be up until September 7th. Here's one of her paintings:

And, here's a piece of Cydney Springer's:
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Ian Roberts has written a book on this subject and this is a great video clip advertizing a new video on Composition that Ian has created.
You painters will a have a couple of "AhHa" moments watching this!
Saturday, August 15, 2009
This is a marketing piece made by Don (ald) Maier who created a networking site called for Plein Air artists.
It's a great watch because it reinforces what you already know .... that there are many different ways to express oneself and our individual reaction to the world around us. There are mediums galore and each one of us has a style (spirit?) of our own.... it appears when we make our marks on paper or canvas, in clay or cloth, in recycled metal or silver or yarn, beads, etc.
Now, go make more of your marks!
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Art Marketing Workshop
Organize Your Inventory For Success
Reserve your Webinar seat now at:
In this free 30 minute online workshop you will learn how to organize your inventory so that you are in control of your work. As you begin to market your work and build relationships with galleries it is critical you systemize your inventory and record every movement of your art.
What information should you track with your work? What's the best way to keep a record of the work? Should you include inventory information with the work itself? Is there information you shouldn't include on the artwork? What information should you send with your work when shipping it to a gallery.
The mini-workshop will allow you to ask questions during a question and answer period.
Participation is limited in this completely free event, so please register at your earliest convenience.
For more questions about the workshop please email
Date: Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Time: 6:00 PM - 6:30 PM MDT
Friday, August 7, 2009
This is a website where you can find new opportunities and apply for them online. It's very convenient and another way to become or stay involved with your art marketing.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
The Pole Creek Golf Course Clubhouse and restaurant, Bistro 28, have said they would like to continue showing our work there. They want pieces that would enhance their natural setting. Pieces will rotate as they sell and as the seasons change. They are not looking for work by the next Picasso or images and framing in an ultra modern style, but rather those works that focus on the beauty of the natural world around us. Landscapes, floral and wildlife in any media as well as nature and scenic photography come to mind. What do you think would enhance their setting? Call Nigel Conners to find out when you can show him your work. He’ll decide which he can place. All pieces should be available for sale, so have prices and titles for your work. (And SASEs, those self-addressed stamped envelopes with receipts, including your phone number, for each piece, too!)
Contact Nigel, Bistro 28’s manager, on their direct line 887-9797 to arrange a meeting.
Additional Info:
Bistro 28 will be open for dinners Thursday through Monday during the winter.
Matted and framed prints are acceptable.
ART OUT of THIN AIR works will be identified with a special label.
ART OUT of THIN AIR will have a small sign posted with information about our group.
August Get-together
Gary Coblentz, co-owner of Elkhorn, is now selling art supplies and would like to know what the local artists want him to stock. We thought this would be a good time to talk about a large group order. Gary will work with us on price - so please think about what supplies you'll be needing in the near future. It's great to have a local place to go to for art supplies.
Elkhorn Art Gallery is located just behind the 7-Eleven in Winter Park.
See you then,
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Art Opening this Thursday...
The opening reception is this Thursday, August 6th from 5:30-7:30pm. Should be a fun evening!
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
An exciting September event...

Here's a shot of the interior:

There were rumors the Fall Festival may be moved to the lake since Buffalo BBQ was so successful, however, Brad at the Chamber said it's not so; it will be in the town park. If the festival was on the lake I'd gladly do this show both days, but I'm leaning toward Saturday only. I want to hear from everyone interested - would you rather do it one or two days? A shorter day on Sunday is an option, too. If you're interested - please let me know as soon as possible. We'll go with whatever the majority wants - but I need to let Jackie know by August 8th.
There will be a 15% commission on all work sold - please write a check to AOTA at the end of the show.
This should be a fun show - and you can't beat the view!
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Get-together this Saturday
A few people are going to go plein air painting afterwards. If you have any new work - please bring it along - we'd love to see it.
See you there,
Monday, July 20, 2009
Oil Painting Workshops in Grand Lake
Join Kathryn A. McMahon from 12:30 - 3:30pm on August 12, 13 & 14 for either plein air or studio painting. Kathryn is a signature member of Women Artists of the West, International Plein Air Painters and Plein Air Artists Colorado.
Here's a sample of her work:

The other August workshop is at Arts on Park avenue with Colorado artist Marston A. Jaquis at Arts on Park Ave. It's a four day plein air landscape workshops, with 4 hours of on-site instruction followed by a daily critique.
Workshop fee is $275 for the workshop alone, or $600 for the workshop and 5 nights of lodging (double occupancy) at the Gathering Place Cabins in Grand Lake.
6-7:30pm wine & cheese on the deck - get to know each other.
Monday - Thursday:
9:15am depart for selected site
10-2:30pm on site class & instruction
3:30-4:30 daily critique
Thursday 6-8:30pm farewell bbq
Friday morning - check out by noon
Summer just gets too busy in the mountains and I'm sorry I missed posting Pem Dunn's opening at the Elkhorn Art Gallery in Winter Park. His work is beautiful.

Don't forget they now sell art supplies at Elkhorn. Gary is interested in supplying what you need and will work with you on the price. How nice to not have to go to Denver or order online - give him a call at 726-9292.
There's one more opening coming up - Elizabeth Kurtak is having a solo exhibition at her gallery in Fraser on Friday, July 24th from 6-10pm. You can see images of her work here. Call 531-0230 for more information.
Enjoy your summer - it's going fast!
Monday, July 6, 2009
Show Pictures and other odds and ends...

For the next two weeks you can view and download the photos here. Check out Steve's site, he does great work. Thanks for doing this, Steve!
Next week a few of us are getting together to discuss ways to improve the annual member show. One thing we'll have next time is a table for the artists to have their business cards and brochures on display. We'll also have a sheet or pamphlet with information about AOTA for people to take. We're aware of the noise issue at the club house - I believe they're working on that. We'd like to hear your ideas for improving the show and also anything that you particularly liked about the show - please send an email.
This show was so successful - we'd like to keep the momentum going by possible having another event in late September or early October. Any ideas? Donna and I don't want to be directing what we do - we're here to make sure what you want to do happens. So, we need to know what kind of events you'd like to have. Some ideas are a miniature show, a show of photography, plein air, a 3D show, etc. What floats your boat? Please let us know.
We now have AOTA bumper stickers and window stickers for sale for a suggested donation of $2.
We've been asked by several people why we don't have annual membership dues. This show went so well in large part because of some generous donations - if we had more money, we would have been able to do even more. At the same time Donna and I don't want to exclude any artist who can't afford membership dues. So, we've decided to accept donations in lieu of membership fees. If you'd like to make a donation, write a check to AOTA and mail it to Patty Alander, PO Box 1934, Granby, 80446.
I received a phone call from Missy Jennings - she has 6 round, marble pedestals about 3" tall and 10-12" in diameter she'd like to donate to an artist. She also has two 3' tall wood pedestals, 1 marble oval pedestal about 17" long and 8" wide and a beautiful Japanese porcelain figurine that needs a bit of repair. If you're interested in any of these please give her a call at 726-8994.
Also, Ginny Hinkle has an unused Glastar Glass Grinder model G3 which retails for $100 she's selling it for $80 (or best offer). You can reach her at 627-8584 or
Don't forget to send us an email with ideas for next year's show and what you'd like to see happen in the future.
Thank you!
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Wow! What an evening...
I've heard nothing but compliments from everyone who attended. The food was excellent and it was great to see everyone interested in our work.

Thanks to everyone who helped put up the show and thanks to everyone who participated. Pat yourselves on the back - it's a great show!
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Art Openings at Elkhorn Art Gallery

Click here to see more of his work. If you haven't seen Clive's paintings in person, you don't want to miss this show; you're in for a real treat. There are two opening receptions this weekend - Friday at 4pm and 1pm on Saturday. Clive will be there on both days. The show will hang until July 12th.
Other upcoming shows are:
Stacey Peterson and Cydney Springer - “Artist to Watch Show” from August 21st - Sept. 7th
It's great to have such talented artists showing in the county - I hope everyone gets out to support them and enjoy their beautiful artwork.
Elkhorn Gallery is now selling professional grade art supplies - Gary needs to know what you want him to stock. Please give him a call at 726-9292 and tell him what supplies you need. How great not to travel to Denver!
I hope you can make it to one of the openings - get out and support the arts!