I received the following email - please contact the gallery if you're interested.
Attention Artists!
We own an artisan’s boutique in Belmar (Wadsworth and Alameda) and are looking for fresh, eager, quality artists to partner with on a consignment basis. We are expanding and doubling our square feet due to such a successful response to our store. We currently carry clothing, shoes, handcrafted jewelry, accessories and a wide variety of artwork. We will be moving next door to our current space the first week of February and are hoping to meet with artists who are interested in gaining additional exposure so when we host our grand re-opening party your work will be represented. Our split is 60/40 (60 to the artist 40 to Wild At Heart) and checks are cut every month that you have sales. Go to our MySpace page at: http://www.myspace.com/wildatheartboutique to see some photos and check us out. Our store is colorful, eclectic, fun and inspirational! We love pets and the outdoors and want our customers to feel at home! We value and are proud of our outstanding customer service! To be considered for consignment please submit photos of your work to snowpoetry@comcast.net. Based on the photos, if we feel your work would fit in the store we’ll give you a call and go from there. Quality artwork only please! We are not a craft store. However, we don’t want expensive pieces at this time. We simply don’t feel customers are affording themselves high end art-work in this economic climate. Prices up to the $500 mark would work well. We are specifically looking for furniture, lighting, clocks, ceramics, mixed media, 2 or 3 dimensional, jewelry, mirrors and perhaps a clothing designer or two. Certainly, feel free to stop in and take a look around in your spare time! We look forward to hearing from you soon!
Kim Finnigan
Wild At Heart, An Artisan's Boutique
7170 W. Alaska Drive
Lakewood, CO 80226
