I've been meaning to post congratulations to Mark Abusamra for having his photograph chosen by a blind jury for the cover of the next Names and Numbers phone book.

Today is opening day for Nest.artistic home in Winter Park in Cooper Creek Square. Carolyn is having a soft opening today and a Grand Opening on December 4th. Stop by, she has a lot of interesting artwork. You can also schedule paint your own pottery parties. Call Carolyn at 531-8625 for more information.
Here's an interesting link I came across: http://www.harriete-estel-berman.info/profguidelines/profguide.html
She covers a lot of ground and I haven't read all of it, but I found the ideas about art donations to be of particular interest - both for the artist and the groups looking for donations. I know a lot of us donate our art - I came across a great statement the other day: Every time an artist gives their art for free, there goes another person who thinks art is worthless. Food for thought.
With the holidays upon us, we've decided to do a November/December get-together on Wednesday, December 2nd at 5:30pm at Maverick's in Granby. We'll meet in the regular section of the restaurant this time. If you're something new, please bring it! It was fun sharing what we were working on at the last meeting.
Hope to see you there!